Workplace Culture

While MSU has been ranked as one of the top 10 universities to work for (2012), there has been much conversation on campus lately about workplace climate and culture, and how we feel treated, at times more or less respectfully. Last semester, we talked with many Spartans who are very interested in learning more and finding ways to address unprofessional, uncivil, or bullying behavior when it does occur. We have assembled some resources to address equitable participation, harassment and discrimination in higher education. It is our hope that these materials may contribute to the many constructive campus conversations, and hopefully facilitate a comprehensive, systemic approach to continuously recreating the kind of place we want to be in, where we all can thrive. The WorkLife Office welcomes and greatly appreciates any comments, suggestions or questions you may have as we move along this trajectory as a community, from conversation to changing the culture and the climate on campus. We are delighted to be part of these conversations, and our office is ready to help in any way we can. Click on the following resources to learn more (Require MSU NetID to view).

Toward a Respectful Workplace: A collaboration of MSU and the University of New Brunswick promo photo