WNA Presents: Upgrade Your View – Vision Board Exclusive!
Date: Wed, 05/25/2022
Join us as we welcome Regina Carey, Impact Coach & Passion Instigator, for a special hands-on, virtual event!
Regina will lead the session, starting with a quick meditation exercise before walking participants through vision boarding concepts and how to create your vision! Ultimately, participants will create their own vision board during the 1.5 hour session.
For vision boarding, Regina recommends having: poster board, glue, scissors, and magazines available
About the Speaker: Regina Carey
Regina Carey is an Impact Coach and a Passion Instigator. The goal of her work is to help high-performing professionals SLOW DOWN to speed up, especially professionals with Invisible Disabilities! Regina creates the space and energy for people to do the work of growth, decision-making, and learning to quiet the monkey mind. Her methods focus on moving FORWARD, paying close attention to LANGUAGE, and letting go of the CRAP! She has the capability to light a fire in your belly in less than 15 minutes and has been described as a natural dose of an antidepressant for people!