IPF Home Improvement Series: Homeowner HVAC : Operations and Tips

Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2021

IPF Home Improvement Series: Homeowner HVAC : Operations and Tips
Speaker: Alan Vanderstelt

To access the PowerPoint, please click here.

Learn Basic Home Improvement with IPF

This year, many MSU employees moved offices from East Lansing to our homes.  Our first few weeks may have involved getting a new office chair, stocking pens and paper, and ensuring we had adequate internet to link us to the thousands of Zoom meetings this summer and fall.  We now enter the cold winter months and have other things to consider as we keep our home offices safe and healthy.

Some MSU employees never left East Lansing!  Our colleagues at Infrastructure, Planning, and Facilities (IPF) have always kept MSU buildings and offices safe and secure.  Our IPF colleagues are still available to support those of us working from home.

In a Summer 2020 WorkLife Survey (n=916), we asked you to describe the work-life challenges that you are experiencing at this time and 52% of respondents mentioned your challenges involved things at home, your house, your desk, your office, room, space, and/or equipment.  The WorkLife Office responded to your feedback through a new WorkLife/IPF collaboration launching in 2021!

About the WorkLife/IPF Series

Want to request a topic? Email worklife@msu.edu


IPF: Mark Lutkenhoff, Christine Leese

WorkLife: Tiana Carter