Women’s History Month 2022

Article compiled from several websites in order to bring the events and information together. Content was not written by the WorkLife Office – credit belongs with the original authors of the pieces. 

What is Women*s History Month?

Women*s History Month is observed annually every March. At MSU, many departments, campus groups, and student organizations have created events to showcase during the month of March. In our use of “women” we recognize that gender is complex. We are all more than just our gender – we are comprised of myriad intersecting identities, each grounded in social context, history, and our lived experiences. We look forward to you joining us at any of the events. Read more

Since 1870 when the first female students were admitted to MSU, then the Michigan Agricultural College, Spartan women have been making their mark on the world. From the initial 10 women students, to now making up more than half of MSU’s enrollment, women are an integral part of the university’s history and its future. Read more

March 18 – Queer Racial Justice Summit

Please share: This will be open to all students and offers conversations on inclusive leadership, White supremacy, allyship, and more. Throughout the two-days there will be raffles for prizes, keynote speakers, and the opportunity to connect with other students to coalition build and action plan. Read more

March 16 Kickoff – APIDA Heritage Month

Join Michigan State University in learning about and celebrating the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American community during APIDA Heritage Month 2022! Read More
March 16 Kickoff registration

March 23 – WNA: The Power of Affirmations- An Antidote to Imposter Syndrome & Burnout

Women’s Networking Association Presents: The Power of Affirmations – An Antidote to Imposter Syndrome & Burnout, a 60-minute webinar presented by the WorkLife Office Deputy Director, Jaimie Hutchison. The words we tell ourselves matter. This workshop will explore the power of affirmations and address how they are important as an antidote to imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and burnout. Sponsored by WorkLife Office. Read more

April 4-8 – César Chávez and Dolores Huerta Celebration

Theme: Tu Lucha es Mi Lucha (Your struggle is my struggle)

Each year, the Michigan State University, Greater Lansing, and East Lansing communities gather at MSU to honor the legacy of two of the most prominent U.S. labor leaders and civil rights activists, César E. Chávez and Dolores Huerta.  This event series is grown from the strength of the Latinx and farmworker communities and the allies who stand in solidarity to raise awareness of the contributions, hardships, issues, and obstacles both ongoing and newly surfacing. Read more