Whole-Person Workplace Column: Call for stories
Tell us how about you. The Whole-Person Workplace Column aims to embrace and encourage the whole person workplace. We honor who our employees are inside and outside of work in the multiple roles they have in their lives. To that end, we are offering monthly features that include a wide range of MSU faculty, academic staff, and support staff, including their lives, hobbies, and motivations outside of work. We learned how we can support each other and cultivate a workplace that honors the whole-person. Please tell us a bit about yourself so that we can get to know each other more and shed light on the unique and wonderful people that contribute each day to the MSU community.
Simply send an email with a photo attachment and the answers to these questions or a free form message of your own to worklife@msu.edu with the subject line: Whole-Person Column. And we’ll include your story on our website and in future issues of our newsletter. You can share it with your colleagues, friends, and family.
- How long have you been engaged in [thing]?
- What types of lessons have you learned or skills have you gained/strengthened through [thing]?
- Do you use those skills or lessons at work? How?
- What value does [thing] have in your life outside of work?
- What is the most reward part of [thing]?
- How do you prepare?
- How does [thing] affect your relationships inside or outside of work?
- What advice do you have for someone who wants to get started?
- Do you have other hobbies or activities you want to mention?
View other articles in this series:
- Whole-Person Workplace Conference videos
- Filling Your Soul
- When it hits close to home
- Side Hustles
- Music Mends
- Whole-Person Workplace: WorkLife Office can help
Thank you for everything you do and all that you bring with you.