The Whole-Person Workplace Column: “Side Hustles”
Desireé Melfi Bozzo: Life Out Loud Podcast
Director of Student Success & Advising, Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
How long have you been engaged in podcasting?
The idea of my podcast began in what I now refer to as the Covid Pivot back in the Spring of 2020. The word podcast kept showing up in unrelated circles and I knew I had to explore it. It launched officially in September 2021. I am currently in my 2nd season. The work I do on my podcast is empowering people to live their best life and this work I have been doing for about 20 years!
What types of lessons have you learned or skills you have gained or strengthened through podcasting?
As entrepreneurs we know that endeavors will always be more work than we initially believe – although this is what makes it a “worth-it” endeavor, right?! J Building my podcast took me through ideation, market research and being in action. It pushed hard on the life skills of creativity, emotional intelligence, problem solving, risk-taking, resilience, networking and storytelling. At the Burgess Institute, these are part of what we call the Entrepreneurial Mindset. They are a skillset that we master as we learn new things and grow in our lives.
Do you use those skills or lessons at work? How?
Absolutely- the “Entrepreneurial Mindset” is a course I have been teaching for a few years now and it is part of a curriculum I built to help students “Master the Mindset”. I have also taught this work to some of our student-athletes (MSU Football, Women’s Basketball and Women’s Rowing) as the same skills that make up the mindset of an entrepreneur are the same skills that make up the mindset of an athlete.
What value does/do podcasting have in your life outside of work?
Podcasting has offered a creative platform for me to reach a broader audience. It helped me begin to amplify my message and the skillset that I bring to the table. The best value it has offered is the ability to market my Mindset Coaching/Consulting services to podcast listeners everywhere.
What is the most rewarding thing about podcasting?
The most rewarding part of podcasting is the feedback from my audience. Knowing my messages and what I am teaching is resonating with them on a personal level. For me, the messages are “God Winks” that let me know I am on the right track.
How do you prepare for podcasting?
The best way I prepare for an effective podcase episode is to ensure my message aligns with my overall goals. After that, it is all about research and creation.
How do podcasting compare to other goals you have set?
Podcasting has helped support me in the bigger goal of growing my Mindset Coaching services. At the end of the day, my life is about empowering others to live their best life and it has helped me do that.
How do podcasting affect your relationships inside or outside of work?
It has been a way to connect with others in fruitful and impactful conversation. It has made relationships more rich and offered compelling topics to talk with people about.
Is there anything else you would like to share about podcasting?
My podcast transformed into a show from 10 years of having a blog. I blogged about everything from life to marriage, infertility, raising a child, etc. I think the biggest thing that I want to share is that if you want to achieve anything in life you have to be in action. The 10 years I spent blogging, I never dreamed it would turn into a podcast – that was never even the goal. I never thought it would be anything more than encouraging words on a screen. I say all of this to say that we never know where life will take us but we will never get there if we don’t start somewhere. Over the course of the 10 years I had my blog, I didn’t realize it but I was building the muscles that would one day create a successful podcast. If you are thinking about starting something – anything – start today! Your future self will thank you!
What advice do you have for others to get started or to learn more if they are interested in podcasting?
Read and research as much as you can (but don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis). Get some information and GO… then repeat, over and over. Buzzsprout has been an amazing resource as has YouTube!
Do you have other hobbies/activities that you want to mention?
I am a Wife of almost 15 years (together for 20) and Mom to our sweet 5 year old little boy. They are 2 of the best roles I have in life. My husband and I are both 100% Italian and our heritage is infused in everything we do from our language to our food and everything in between. I am a creative at heart (it’s what my BFA was in when I graduated from MSU in ’06) and my calling is to help others live really great lives (my Master’s in HALE in ’16 helped me to sharpen the skills to do this). I am a skilled photographer, writer, brand-builder and Life+Mindset Coach.
Marenda Escobar: Personal Style Blog
Academic Advisor, Neighborhood Success Collaborative
How long have you been engaged in personal style blogging?
I started my style blog on Instagram @marendas.lookbook in January 2021. It’s been a little over a year! I was really inspired by all the creativity I was seeing on social media and the diverse representation of style bloggers, and I wanted to be a part of that community. It was exciting to see Petite influencers and women that looked like me in these spaces, since I didn’t have this representation growing up. It was a little scary to start, but I’m so glad I did!
What types of lessons have you learned or skills you have gained or strengthened through style blogging?
Putting myself out there on a public platform was intimidating and I had to learn to let go of the need for perfection. I knew I would have to learn as I go and not all my content would be perfect. But looking back now, I realize that I have learned confidence in the process.
I had to learn how to create content on my own, and occasionally, creating by myself in public. I do have friends that have been very supportive but didn’t want to always have to depend on others for help.
Do you use those skills or lessons at work? How?
I was really grateful to be able to join my unit’s Marketing, Branding, and Communications committee in the NSSC so that I could be a part of the conversations around these areas, and also contribute in an area that is interesting to me!
I created a reel for my unit’s social media to advertise a workshop we were hosting, and I hope to use the skills I’ve learned more in my job in the future!
What value does personal style blogging have in your life outside of work?
My style blog is a hobby that I can commit to. I’ve always liked artsy/creative things, and my style blog is my new favorite creative space.
I gained a really great community in the process! I love interacting with other style bloggers whose content inspires me.
I’ve also been inspired to be a more mindful consumer and have thought about sustainability a lot more as a result of what I have learned from others on social media.
What is the most rewarding thing about having a style blog?
I love looking back and seeing how I’ve grown in the past year. My style blog has helped me learn how to invest in myself and the things that I care about. I’m doing it for myself and no one else.
How do you prepare [content] for [your] style blog?
It helps to plan content in advance, which is easier said than done. Lately I’ve been trying to identify days where I can create new content ahead of time so I can plan my schedule around this. It helps if you can create multiple pieces of content in one setting.
How does personal style blogging compare to other goals you have set?
I realize I do have a passion for creativity and social media, so I’ve been looking at ways to learn more skills in these areas.
How does personal style blogging affect your relationships inside or outside of work?
I’m really grateful for friends that have supported me in this process! From helping me take pictures of my outfits, to their support on social media, and sharing my content with others. It means a lot to me.
My supervisor (Justin St. Charles) noticed I have creative interests and has encouraged me to look at certificate/grad programs as part of my professional development in these areas, which is something I’m really grateful for.
What advice do you have for others to get started or to learn more if they are interested in style blogging?
If you’re interested in starting a new hobby, and not sure where to start, or how it will go, those concerns are valid, but I would like to encourage you to give it a try anyways. If there’s anyone else that does style blogging or wants to give it a try, you are always welcome to reach out to me. Follow my style blog on Instagram! @marendas.lookbook
Rebecca Heim: Rocky Oak Farms (Farming Business)
Office Assistant III, Large Animal Clinical Sciences
How long have you been engaged in your business?
My husband and I officially started our farm in 2013 but we both had been into raising livestock our entire lives.
What types of lessons have you learned or skills you have gained or strengthened through business?
Have definitely gotten better at socializing with customers and marketing our products over time. Constant problem solving is always challenging your mental strength. Perseverance to overcome adverse obstacles such as not ideal weather, animal husbandry issues, slumps in sales makes you test your ability to come up with creative solutions. I’ve also gotten better at record keeping.
Do you use those skills or lessons at work? How?
Yes, problem solving is always helpful in any situation you are in. Learning to keep your cool in adverse situations is helpful for everyone in the group. Record keeping skills has also been very helpful as well. Being able to socialize more comfortably has also been helpful, especially for a person that is a slight introvert.
What value does your farming business have in your life outside of work?
It’s a very big part. We are raising 100% grass-fed beef and pastured raised pork, chicken and rabbit to help regenerate our soils for our future generations. We want to be able to leave our land in better shape than we acquired it.
Growing up on a farm I know how it instilled in my a good work ethic. I’m hoping this lifestyle also does the same for my children. Having responsibilities such as feeding animals and taking care of them on a daily basis instills a good base to grow up from.
It also allows us to network with several different people from around the state and nation from a producer side and customer side.
What is the most rewarding thing about your farm business?
One of the best things about our business is that we get to provide local food to local people. We get to interact with these people on a personal level so that they understand the process of how their product was raised and the importance of local agriculture.
How do you prepare for farming business?
Constantly organizing processing dates, finding breeders to get our pigs from, ordering chicks every year, planning when you want your rabbits to have babies and coinciding all that with available freezer space is a constant battle.
Also takes a lot of prep work to make hay every summer, from the constant weather watching to be sure you have 3-4 good dry days in the summer to mow and then have it dry to bale and put away without getting rained on is always a gamble. Equipment must be maintained, fencing must be fixed, livestock need to be moved and fed daily. It takes a lot of preparation to make it run smoothly and efficiently.
How does your farm business compare to other goals you have set?
This business sets me up to achieve goals of educating non agriculture people about the agricultural sector. It’s so cool to see kids and adults alike get an up close look at animals and have an understanding of the amount of work it takes to get that animal to their plate. I’m always happy to answer questions regarding the farming industry.
How does your farm business affect your relationships inside or outside of work?
I think it is a topic of conversation that my fellow co workers find interesting. I also get to provide products to them!
Is there anything else you would like to share about your farming business?
If interested in checking us out please visit our webpage at We are always happy to discuss or answer questions regarding farming topics. If we don’t know the answer to something we can most definitely refer you to someone that can.
What advice do you have for others to get started or to learn more if they are interested in farming?
Hook up with a local farm that does things you are interested in. That’s the best way to get an entry into the business and gain some experience. There are several beginner farming information our there depending on what you are interested in. And many grants to help with financials.
Do you have other hobbies/activities that you want to mention?
I’m also involved in local organizations. I’m the treasurer/secretary for our local FFA Alumni chapter, a board member for our local Farm Bureau and a rabbit leader for our local 4-H club.
I enjoy gardening, preserving food, foraging, and hunting as well.