MSU Breathe Easy: Tobacco & Nicotine Cessation Program
There will be an information session about the MSU Breathe Easy: Tobacco and Nicotine Cessation Program on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 from 1:30PM-3:00PM in the Olin Student Health Services building. Attending the session does not obligate an attendee to enroll in the program. It does provide information to assist and attendee’s decision of whether this cessation program is a viable personal choice. Space at the Breathe Easy information session is limited, therefore interested faculty and staff should register to attend.
The Breathe Easy program encompasses a 17-hour total time commitment over the course of the 15-month program commitment. For the remainder of 2017, employees will not be required to use their own time, so long as they are compliant with attendance at the meetings. Supervisors are expected to allow full release time to encourage employee participation in the Breathe Easy program.
To register for the information session, faculty, staff and/or their adult benefits-eligible family members should call (517) 353-2596 or send an email to by 5:00PM on Tuesday, January 24, 2017.
Detailed information about the program is available on the web at
This program is the result of a partnership between Human Resources, Olin Student Health Services and the Office of the University Physician Health4U Program. Program participants are supported to quit tobacco and nicotine products with the help of Chantix®, Zyban® (Buproprion), nicotine replacement therapy or no medication at all.
Please help us by sharing this information with your unit and encouraging faculty and staff in your unit who want to quit use of tobacco and nicotine products to take advantage of this program.