MSU AgeAlive’s “Town & Gown” weekly Lifelong Educational Series is back!

The “Town & Gown”, Lifelong Education Series is an initiative of the Senior Ambassadors Program, sponsored by MSU AgeAlive ( in partnership with the MSU Social Science Scholars Program and the East Lansing Prime Time Seniors Program. 

Town & Gown is a weekly series of presentations by MSU faculty and emeriti on a wide range of fascinating and thought-provoking topics with lots of time for discussion. The topics range from psychology, music and history to politics, climate change and technology. The participants consist of greater Lansing seniors and students from Michigan State University. Presentations are delivered live via Zoom every Tuesday evening from 5:00-6:30 pm through mid- December.

The sessions are free, and participants have every opportunity to ask questions of the speakers.  If you would like to see the fall line-up, register and/or see archived presentations, from spring 2021 please visit the Senior Ambassadors Program website–gown.html.

There is no charge for participation in Town & Gown, though donations are greatly appreciated.

These are tax-deductible and will help sustain the program by supporting administrative costs, student stipends, and related lifelong learning initiatives. 

To donate, simply do one of the following: 

  • Give online at and click on Give Now or go straight to the giving site Under “Areas to Support” – type in AgeAlive Town and Gown, enter the amount you wish to donate, and add it to your cart.
  • Mail check to University Development, Spartan Way, 535 Chestnut Road, Room 300, East Lansing, MI 48824. Make check payable to ‘Michigan State University’ and include AgeAlive Town & Gown on the memo line.

Call (800) 232-4MSU or (517) 884-1000. Mention AgeAlive Town and Gown as the fund to support.
If you have questions or want to receive email notices on upcoming sessions, please contact John Waller at or (517) 775-0899.

Town & Gown offers weekly presentations on a wide range of fascinating topics with time for discussion.  Sessions presented by MSU faculty will be held Tuesdays from 5:00-6:30PM via Zoom. Contact John Waller (517) 775- 0899 to get email notices. See upcoming sessions and register at   Senior Ambassadors Program website.