Celebrating Outstanding Supervisors: 2021 Awards
By Claire Bahorski
Having an encouraging and high-spirited supervisor can make all the difference in an office. Each October, the WorkLife Office recognizes these exceptional supervisors with the Outstanding Supervisor Award. Employees may send in letters recommending that their supervisor wins this award.
Outstanding supervisors are important because they truly transform a workplace. In these difficult times, working can feel strenuous, stressful, and there can be a lack of morale among employees. A supportive supervisor who brings balance to the office is incredibly beneficial for all workers.
These supervisors do not do their work to be rewarded, rather, they truly care about their colleagues and building a healthy, cooperative workplace. By being there for their employees, they create a sense of loyalty and trust in their department, and finding out that they have won this award is a proud accomplishment for them.
The 2021 Outstanding Supervisors are:
Chris Hogan, Department Chairperson, Eli Broad College of Business
“Chris’ work ethic inspires all of us to do our very best. She sets a positive example for all levels of faculty and staff in the department. She is always present and available to us even at the busiest of times.” -Lynne Zelenski, Director of Academic Services, Department of Accounting and Information Systems
Read more about Chris Hogan
Joyce Meier, Associate Director, Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
“In her administrative and supervisory role, Joyce has been an exemplary citizen not only of the department, but also of the larger university community. She has created innovative learning opportunities for new and returning teachers to address various pedagogical needs and problems, has created ways to make the work we do in FYW ‘travel’ outward into other public beyond the department and university, and has initiated projects to inquire into what has emerged as the needs of our various constituents of learners (in particular, multilingual and international students).” -Julie Lindquist, Professor of Rhetoric and Writing, Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Read more Joyce Meier
Michael Kroth, Associate Dean, College of Music
“Michael’s responsibilities in the college of music are vast. He is not only Professor of Bassoon with a full teaching studio, but his duties as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Operations have him involved in a myriad of different administrative tasks necessary in keeping the college of music running smoothly. With all of his diverse responsibilities, Michael is able to be equitable in all things and to everyone he serves and supervises. He is sensitive to individual needs specific to a person and for specific situations.” -Mary Lapprand, Head Piano Technician, College of Music
Read more about Michael Kroth
Gabe Ording, Director/Associate Professor, Center for Integrative Studies
“Gabe is a leader and supervisor who knows his task is to promote not his success but the success of his employees. He actively mentors’ employees to develop their own leadership skills, empowering them to be the best they can be. I have seen him many times believe in an employee’s potential even more than the employee believes in their potential.” -Jane Rice, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Read more about Gabe Ording
Jeannie Patrick, Director, Office of Research Administration
“Dr. Patrick organizes the ORA office to be highly collaborative, so that the staff are encouraged to offer assistance to each other when needed. A collaborative team spirit is a pervasive characteristic of the office. Jeannie models what it means to be a supportive and interested colleague; if a staff member has a challenge in their personal lives, I have observed that they feel welcome to share the situation with Jeannie and she offers her support in practical ways.” -Ann Austin, University Distinguished Professor and Interim Dean, College of Education
Read more about Jeannie Patrick
All of these supervisors are outstanding in their own ways, and do their part to make MSU a safe and equitable place to work. You can learn more about the nomination process and how to nominate your outstanding supervisor.