Call for Nominations: New AgeAlive Awards to Recognize Contributions to Positive Aging

Starting at the 2020 AgeAlive Forum, Thursday, April 16, we will be giving out two annual awards recognizing excellence in the field of aging. The Research in Aging Award will be presented to an MSU researcher or research team for leadership in aging-related research that contributes new and valuable knowledge, addresses major aging issues, and improves quality of life for people as they age.

The Intergenerational Award will be presented to an MSU faculty member, administrator, alumni, student, retiree, or team who demonstrates leadership in education, teaching, or activities that are intergenerational and contribute to positive aging and well-being throughout the lifespan. Nominations for both awards may be made by MSU faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, students, retirees or community members at or go directly to AgeAlive Award Nomination Form.

The nomination application is simple. Hurry and nominate deserving MSU people!

Read the full article in MSU Today
Read related article in WorkLife News

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